So if I was going to go back to the start of my composition, I am going to turn off my Post-Expression Graph for now, move my gizmo down into the lower-left corner. You don't need to do plus value it doesn't that automatically. Note that Wiggle adds itself to the current position.

But I am going to click All Keyframes for now. However, if you find that's too much information that's cluttering your display, you can go back to one of these other options. We almost always set this to All Keyframes, so we get to see the entire motion path, no matter how long our composition is. The default is 15 seconds, centered around your current time. This is where you get to pick how long of a motion path you get to see. If you run into that, go into your Preferences and open Preferences > Display. Now you might run into occasions where that path is not long enough. As I drag the Current Time Indicator, you'll see him move along that wiggly path. As soon as I turn that on, you will now see the motion path for the wiggle. If you want to see that path, you need to enable the Post-Expression Graph button that we showed you in the previous movie. We just added wiggle on to the current position.

Notice that by default you don't see any motion path. I'll go back to where we started, one wiggle a second and 100 pixels of wiggle. So now he sticks closer to the side of the screen, although he is wiggling very quickly. If I don't want him wandering by quite as much, I enter a different number, like, say, 50 pixels, Enter, and preview. Now he is much more kinetic and much crazier. If I want him to wander faster, I increase the 'how fast' number from 1 to 2, RAM Preview. Press Enter on numeric keypad, 0 to RAM Preview, and now my gizmo is indeed wandering around my screen. The space is not necessary I put that in just to make it easier to read. Note that I separated the numbers with a comma. Let's say I only want to wiggle at a pace of one wiggle a second, fairly sedate, and let's say I want to wiggle by 100 pixels. I'll type P to reveal the position value, hold down Option or Alt to enable expressions for Position, click, and in place of the default expression transform.position, I am going to type wiggle, open parentheses, and I need to enter two numbers, how fast I want to wiggle and how much I want to wiggle by. In other words, I want to wiggle its position.

Let's say I want this gizmo to wander around the screen. In it I just have a little gizmo in the middle of my screen just doing his own little animation. First I'll clean up my display by closing all of my previous comps and open up 05-wiggle*starter. Next, I'd like to show you our favorite expression of all, Wiggle.